* Another World Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on AW | Soap Central

Another World Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on AW

Alexander held Rachel prisoner. Rachel was confused after the explosion and thought she was still married to Mac. Vicky and Shane were trapped on a roof together. Sophia worried Tomas had romantic feelings for her.
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Another World Recaps: The week of November 10, 1997 on AW
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the week of November 10, 1997
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November 3, 1997
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November 17, 1997

Monday, November 10, 1997

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Tuesday, November 11, 1997

Nick was thrilled when Jake offers him a job as a reporter. Sophia has doubts about continuing rehearsals for the play because she thinks Tomas is sending her the love letters even though he denies it. Sophia told Tomas that she was glad of their friendship. Nick was shocked when he comes home and finds Tomas and Sophia kissing. Both Jake and Vicky and Shane and Lila head to Chicago. Shane admits to Lila that he has begun taking an experimental drug for his tropical disease. Jake was bewildered when Vicky suggests they move to Chicago after the wedding. Things are tense when the two couples run into each other at a jazz club. When Jake leaves to get the car, Vicky tells Shane to let her go but Shane insists she still loves him. Lila confronts Vicky and told her to stop stringing Shane along. They argue and Lila told Vicky to stop acting like a coward and if she's having doubts about Jake to tell him about it. Donna tries to get Grant help her keep Shane away from Vicky by asking Grant to offer Shane a job somewhere else. When he refuses she steals Booba and uses his magic on both Cass and Michael who argue over her. Gary and Josie wonder if social services will let them keep Rain. Josie questions Cindy about the drugs she gave Paulina. Cindy denies Grant had any part in it and was relieved when he comes by the station as her attorney. When the Harrison arrives home, things turn amorous and Cindy was bewildered to find out it has nothing to do with Booba. Josie questions Popper and tries to get him to implicate Grant in the drug ring. Rain identifies Popper.

Wednesday, November 12, 1997

Nick was relieved to find out that Sophia and Tomas's kiss was just rehearsal for the play. Sophia decides to meet her secret admirer face to face by arranging a meeting at the newsstand. Alex checks on an unconscious Rachel as her family and friends try and remain hopeful she was alive. Joe told a worried Carl and Amanda that they have located Alex's plane but not Rachel. Paulina turns to Jake for support about dealing with the latest Cory crisis. Jake reminds her that she was a strong person and that Rachel believed in and relied on her. Paulina promises to lend support to a devastated Carl and the twins during their time of need. Vicky meets Shane on the roof of the hospital to tell him that things are over and he needs to move on. Shane continues to insist that he was the man for her and that she needs to call off her wedding to Jake before all of them are unhappy. Alex was shocked when Rachel regains consciousness and still thinks she was married to Mac. Things turn dark in Bay City as the town experiences a sudden power outage.

Thursday, November 13

Shane and Vicky are trapped on the roof and they are talking about time. He tells her that now was all he has and he's going to make the most of it. Carl receives a note saying that Rachel was alive. He suspects someone came in the house while the lights were out. Joe tries to keep Carl from getting his hopes up. Rachel was with Alex and she "obviously" has amnesia. She told Alex that she hates Carl Hutchins and that Mac Cory was her husband. He told her Carl is but she doesn't understand. He told her she's outlived her usefulness. Rachel asks Alex why does he want to kill her. If he spares her, his life is worthless. Alex was confused since she keeps talking about Mac. She asks should she know Alex.

Jake was on the phone at Carlino's and then he assigns Nick to investigate the blackout. Lila worries about Shane. Jake comments that Shane pushes people away. Lila thinks Jake was insecure and insinuates Vicky sends Shane mixed signals. Lila almost slips that Vicky and Shane kissed the other night. Lila leaves before she says anything else.

Shane and Vicky are still on the roof. She's cold, he's warm. She asks does he have a fever. He says only for her. She asks him to stop but Shane asks her does she know what she wants. He told her they never had a chance. HE says they should go away together. She told him there was no "us" but he disagrees. She wants to change the subject. He says pumpkins. She reminisces. He says gumbo and her eyes bulge. She asks what was he doing to her. He says nothing, she's doing it on her own.

Tomas and Sofia talk. When Nick comes in, Tomas quickly leaves.

Joe was still talking to Carl about finding Rachel. He leaves for the station but takes Paulina's drink. Carl makes a speech about maintaining family peace and asks Matt to leave. He blames Matt. Matt takes pot shots and Amanda defends Carl. Amanda wants Matt to stay. Paulina breaks up the argument and begs everyone to make peace before Rachel comes home.

Vicky and Shane are looking at the stars and she says it always comes back to them and he says who's fault was that. They stand back to back but Vicky can't take it. Shane faints and Vicky runs to his side. He claims he tripped, she doesn't believe him. She notices he's sick. Lila runs and tells Jake that she can't find Shane and Vicky was looking for him before the lights went out. They rush out.

Nick told Sofia what he wants from the future. They want the same thing. They agree that they are a distraction to each other and she suggests he move out as Tomas walks in and overhears.

Alex questions Rachel about her twins and she says she doesn't have any. He returns her to the Cory estate. Amanda screams. Rachel was on the terrace. Carl embraces her. (She's knocked out)

Shane puts his arms around Vicky and the lights come on. He lets go and talks about having to meet deadlines. He tries to ask her something and she interrupts. After that, Jake and Lila come in. Vicky and Jake leave. Lila questions Shane. He says he won't let Vicky marry Jake.

Friday, November 14



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